Miller index — Planes with different Miller indices in cubic crystals … Wikipedia
Bravais lattice — In geometry and crystallography, a Bravais lattice, named after Auguste Bravais, [cite journal | last = Aroyo | first = Mois I. | coauthors = Ulrich Müller and Hans Wondratschek | title = Historical Introduction | journal = International Tables… … Wikipedia
Miller-Indizes — Mịl|ler In|di|zes [nach dem brit. Kristallographen W. H. Miller (1801–1880)]; Syn.: Miller᾿sche Indizes: in der Kristallographie zur Kennzeichnung von Netzebenen, Kristallflächen u. formen benutzte Symbole h k l, die kleine, ganze, positive oder … Universal-Lexikon
Miller indices — ▪ crystallography group of three numbers that indicates the orientation of a plane or set of parallel planes of atoms in a crystal. If each atom in the crystal is represented by a point and these points are connected by lines, the resulting … Universalium
Close-packing of spheres — hcp and fcc close packing of spheres In geometry, close packing of spheres is a dense arrangement of equal spheres in an infinite, regular arrangement (or lattice). Carl Friedrich Gauss proved that the highest average density – that is, the… … Wikipedia
Hexagonales Kristallsystem — Das hexagonale Kristallsystem gehört zu den sieben Kristallsystemen der Kristallographie. Es umfasst alle Punktgruppen mit einer sechszähligen Dreh oder Drehinversionsachse. Das hexagonale Kristallsystem ist mit dem trigonalen Kristallsystem eng… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Crystal structure — In mineralogy and crystallography, crystal structure is a unique arrangement of atoms or molecules in a crystalline liquid or solid. A crystal structure is composed of a pattern, a set of atoms arranged in a particular way, and a lattice… … Wikipedia
Kristallsystem — trikliner Rhodonit monokliner Vivianit … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oberflächenanalytik — Oberflächenchemie (engl. surface chemistry, surface science) ist ein Teilgebiet der Physikalischen Chemie, bei dem die chemischen und strukturellen Vorgänge untersucht werden, die sich an Grenzflächen, meist fest/gasförmig, abspielen. Dabei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Reciprocal lattice — In physics, the reciprocal lattice of a lattice (usually a Bravais lattice) is the lattice in which the Fourier transform of the spatial function of the original lattice (or direct lattice) is represented. This space is also known as momentum… … Wikipedia
Crystallography — For the book of poetry, see Crystallography (book). A crystalline solid: atomic resolution image of strontium titanate. Brighter atoms are Sr and darker ones are Ti. Crystallography is the experimental science of the arrangement of atoms in… … Wikipedia